
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Cult of Charisma

EDIT: I wrote this last year and finally scheduled it to post several months ago - the fact there has since been a UK general election called for this week is entirely coincidental! The Cult of Charisma I’m not big on big personalities. Now don’t get me wrong, if they are decent people, good luck to them. The problem I have is the way in which society latches onto a big, charismatic personality to the detriment of all else, decency included. Because in this media driven world, it does seem to me as though being big and loud and passionate and exciting, someone who can make a splash on the front pages and some juicy, news-content selling headlines seems to outweigh whatever they actually happen to do. A big personality can get away with murder in the way a quieter soul cannot. And this is something that seems to permeate society. Take relationships and the great dramatic (not sure I want to call it romantic) trope I call the thrill . It happens over and over again in TV drama, soa