Ask The Author - January 2022

 Ask the Author – January 2022

Well - I tried. But I think everyone was understandably a little preoccupied with Christmas so my appeal for questions on this occasion resulted in a grand total of one. So for this short but sweet blog entry, I shall simply wish everyone a very Happy New Year and proceed to answer it!

From Sarah Awa: Will there be a dragon in the third book? Any other magical creatures like unicorns, mermaids, etc?

I feel that Maw has rather had his moment of glory – anything further might be a little much for his delicate constitution. ;p In terms of magical creatures, the story at this stage is really more focussed on the people and how they handle the erupting goings on of their Realm rather than the wider universe of beasts and beings – but rest assured, there will be plenty of AFCs and one glorious and significant appearance from a monstrous special guest. ;)


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