Very Short Story - Elemental

 In honour of the fact there is the possibility of snow in the forecast a mere three days into December, I've dusted off this old dialogue only challenge story I wrote a while back in a distant writing community. It is short and daft. The prompt, I believe, was a picture of some snowy palm trees:


“What were you doing? No, seriously I mean it – what were you doing?”

“Look, I just slipped, all right? How was I supposed to know the damn thing was loaded?”

“Was it loaded? It is the Horn of Eternal Cold – what did you think I’d done, put the safety catch on?”

“I was just holding it – I didn’t expect it to just go off like that! I wasn’t even pointing it at anything!”

“Why were you holding it anyway? It’s got nothing to do with you!”

“I just wanted to see what it felt like! My travels are always so warm, so happy, so vibrant – I’ve never known the cold before…”

“Well, you know it now. You just dropped a dollop of snow the size of a blue whale on top of Barbados!”

“Am I going to have to clear that up?”

“Well, who else is going to do it? It’s elemental. Honestly, Summer, how would you feel if I took the Shield of Eternal Warmth and desiccated Greenland?”

“Well, the beaches would be better… Winter? Winter? Where are you going?” Sigh. “I’ll just start clearing up then, shall I?”


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