An Interview with Fodder
In honour of publication day - a little insight into my main character. Though do forgive him, he's not very verbose... ;p
The more the merrier! Dullard’s a decent bloke considering he grew up in the Palace and to be honest, like I said to him, he’s good for the heavy thinking. I’m no philosopher or academic, that’s for sure and it’s good to have another ideas man to take the pressure off me. Plus, he’s a not a bad princess wrangler, which takes the pressure off Shoulders. And that helps us all!
1. What was your life like growing up
in Humble Village?
it was Ordinary. I did my bit as an Urchin, scampered about In Narrative when
it needed me, messed about with my mates like Flirt and Shoulders when it
didn’t. And then I joined the Disposables. It was what it was. Nothing bad but
nothing special – just as it was supposed to be.
2. Tell us about the event that
started the rebellion, from your point of view.
a tricky one, really. It was hard to define, I’d just... had enough. I don’t
even know where that feeling came from, it just kind of crept up on me. I was
angry at life in a way I’d never really been before. And then suddenly I was
free and doing things I shouldn’t have been able to. Something just...changed.
3. If you had the choice, what kind
of character would you want to play?
you see, that’s just it. I’m not bothered about playing anyone in particular.
It’s having the choice that’s the
thing. I’d just like to have a say in where my life goes next. I’ll decide
where that is when I get there.
4. What was it like hauling Pleasance
across The Realm?
Shoulders – he did most of the heavy lifting! Probably the politest term would
be an experience. A more honest term would be a pain in the ruddy
arse! Gods, that girl has a pair of lungs...
5. Do you believe there was a
childhood cause for Shoulders's rebellion, or is this a sudden change?
if you mean why did Shoulders come with me...
Technically, he would say he didn’t, I dragged him into it! And he’s my
mate and he didn’t want to drop me in it with Strut. I feel a bit guilty about
that to be honest. I mean, Flirt, I could have seen that coming, she’s never
been happy with her lot since we were kids but Shoulders, he never wanted a big
life upheaval. Probably if it wasn’t for Clank and the head thing, he would
have happily stayed home. I’m not sure he believes in a cause but I don’t think
he’d mind some revenge!
6. How do you feel about a Principal
character like Prince Dullard joining your cause?
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