The Dangers of Othering
The Dangers of Othering You may have noticed from the tone of my blogs of late that I feel like humanity is in a very dangerous place right now. And though there’s probably only a half dozen or so of you out there reading these as I shout helplessly into the void, I still feel the need to do it or I’m probably going to burst with frustration and rage. So my apologies everyone but here we go again… It’s always someone else’s fault. We all know that person, don’t we? Anything that goes wrong in their world, well, it wasn’t their fault, oh no, impossible, it was someone else who caused it, it wasn’t down to them. The dog ate my homework. He pushed me. She wasn’t looking where she was going. They didn’t explain it properly. It wasn’t made clear that wasn’t allowed. I wanted to be there and they were in the way. They didn’t do what I told them to do. They weren’t behaving properly. I wanted to do it, they got in the way. They came over here and took our jobs, it’s not down to me th...