Short Story - Ever After
A slightly longer short story for you to celebrate the coming of a certain season, written for a long ago Christmas writing challenge with a large variety of cliches prompts to work in. My take was this - that h appily ever after depends on your point of view…;) Ever After “You’re sure they don’t know about this?” Lord Arthek stared at the gaunt, anxious face of his old friend and neighbour Baron Tewdar and gave as much of a reassuring smile as he could under the circumstances. “As sure as you can be with… them ,” he said, his voice betraying the slightest tremor of anxiety as he glanced once more at the vast double doors at the head of his feasting chamber. “I made everyone I invited promise not to mention this at court in case word got back and I only told those that I truly trust that we’re doing this. If we’re lucky…” He did not finish the sentence. He didn’t have to. The hope hung in the air like waft of sweet perfume. Baron Tewdar gazed around...